


这个问题有很多答案, but the simplest one is this: a liberal arts education doesn't just prime you for the job market. 它为你的生活做准备, 为了活在世上, gives you breadth 和 depth to every dimension of your life. The college provides you with a foundation that will enable you to succeed in whatever vocation you choose, 而且在生活的其他领域也是如此.

看到 欢迎来到CC, 为什么不同?, CC后.

Can you explain the Block Plan 和 what a typical day is like?

街区计划 is one class at a time, usually Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. 到中午. This lasts for three-和-a-half weeks (ending on the fourth Wednesday); students get a long weekend, 然后下个星期一又重新开始. 这种情况每学期发生四次, 一年两个学期, so the 信贷s work out the same as a school on the semester system-just with a lot more intensity, 深度和灵活性.

看到 街区计划 Block是什么?.

为什么街区计划如此独特? 为什么我在其他大学找不到?

简单地说? It requires more of everyone involved: staff, faculty, student. Teaching 和 learning under the Block Plan depend on students 和 faculty who are bright, 有纪律的, 积极投身教育事业.

看到 为什么不同?.

整体计划下的课程如何转入和转出? 我修AP、IB和其他大学课程可以获得学分吗?

因为街区计划, 于1970年在CC推出, 是一个被广泛认可的调度系统吗, students who choose to transfer from CC do not have difficulty receiving appropriate 信贷 at the schools to which they are transferring. One block is equivalent to four semester hours or six quarter hours. The reverse goes for 信贷 transferring to CC, but each department sets its own st和ards. Typically a 4 or a 5 on an AP exam, or a 6 or a 7 on an IB exam, will be worth 信贷.

联系 注册处 更多的.


Because classes are small 和 all students have been selected through a competitive admission process, 荣誉课程是没有必要的. 所有的课程都很严格,要求很高. In fact, many senior-level courses are comparable to graduate-level courses.

What programs are available for students with disabilities, particularly learning disabilities?

For physical 和 learning disabilities, we provide reasonable accommodations on a case-by-case basis. In addition, all new construction incorporates significant modifications for physical disabilities. 在过去, 额外的时间, 安静的测试地点, 房间也进行了物理调整.

看到 支持服务 可访问性资源.


如果学生在课程上有困难, we hope that they will go straight to the source - the professors who serve as your advisors 和 teachers. Professors are here for a reason - to teach - 和 most are very approachable 和 happy to help. There's a myriad of other resources, everything from peer tutors to paraprofessionals.

看到 学术资源 & 服务.


First-year students are required to participate in a two-block First Year Experience, 其中有很多选择. CC does not have a core curriculum, but we do have a distribution requirement. This means that while we expect students to have a breadth of experience in their curriculum, 我们没有指定具体的课程. 学生 must declare their major by the end of their sophomore year 和 complete a total of 32 blocks for graduation.

看到 第一年课程 和 需求.


Pre-professional advising is offered in the health professions 和 in law. There are cooperative programs with other schools in engineering, which require that students spend three years at CC pursuing a liberal arts foundation before transferring to one of four cooperative universities for two years of engineering. 3比2结束时, students receive two bachelor's degrees: one from CC 和 one from the engineering school.

看到 部门 & 项目 职业前教育 健康 法律 页面.


肯定. Our 职业中心 is an excellent resource for students as they look for employment opportunities during 和 after college. 该中心提供个人职业咨询, 简历写作和面试工作坊, also gives students access to resources on internships 和 employment.

看到 职业中心 页面.

CC采用了什么安全措施? 我在哪里可以取得有关安全的统计数字?

安全在任何地方都应该受到关注. We focus on educating students about risky 和 inappropriate behaviors. We also have escort, emergency phones, whistle programs, as well as security patrols. 宿舍楼使用门禁卡系统. Statistical crime reports are prepared annually by the college 和 may be requested from the 校园安全 Office.

看到 校园安全.


Our departmental offerings are on par with other liberal arts colleges. 你可以在不离开CC的情况下多次换专业. Generally speaking, the most popular majors at CC are those that are popular nationally.

看到 主修与辅修.


平均每班人数为16人.3 students 和 classes are officially limited to 25 students unless there are two professors, in which case the limit is 32 (professors teaching classes in high dem和 very occasionally exceed this limit for the sake of accommodating students). CC的师生比例是10:1.

看到 我们的教师 街区计划.


几乎太多了! With a number of varsity 和 club sports 和 more than 100 student-led organizations, CC的校园每时每刻都充满了生机.

看到 学生活动,一个列表 学生组织,和 校园日历.


A number of 科罗拉多大学 alumni were tapped by President Obama for positions in his administration. 他们包括:前科罗拉多州参议员 肯·萨拉查,77年内政部长; 简·卢布琴科1969年, head of the National Oceanic 和 Atmospheric Administration; 洛里·加弗,83年美国宇航局副局长; Marcia McNutt '74; 联合国署长.S. 地质调查所 哈里斯·谢尔曼64年.

此外,赌博正规的十大网站有一名毕业生, Aaron Gutierrez, 08年, serving as an intern in the office of legislative affairs at the White House. Gutierrez, who was born 和 raised in Pueblo, Colorado, graduated with a B.A. 国际政治经济学,辅修西班牙语. 脑癌的幸存者, 他是El Pomar基金会的研究员, one of the largest 和 oldest grant-giving foundations in the Rocky Mountain West. At El Pomar, Gutierrez received firsth和 experience in the nonprofit sector.

更多信息请访问 CC后 页面 .


Approximately half of the student body receives direct support from 科罗拉多大学 in the form of financial aid or scholarships.

看到 金融援助 学费 查阅有关开支的最新资料.


CC is a private institution,和refore not subsidized by the state. 虽然我们的学费似乎很高, it is actually on the lower end for nationally known liberal arts colleges. 赌博正规的十大网站雇佣最好的教员, 保持班级规模极小, has ample state-of-the-art facilities 和 equipment designated for undergraduate use only.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 08/03/2023