
支持我们的土著/美洲原住民学生的文化完整性, 教师, 工作人员, 和客人, 并符合1978年美国印第安人宗教自由法案, 赌博正规的十大网站制定了这个吸烟和烟斗仪式政策. The smudging and pipe ceremonies described in this policy are the only exceptions to 科罗拉多大学 smoking, 烟草, 消防监管政策. The practice of smudging and pipe ceremonies are protected under 科罗拉多大学’s Anti-Discrimination 政策 and 程序.



所有涉及校园内社区成员的财务和行政政策, 包括志愿者在内,都在这项政策的范围内. If there is a variance between departmental expectations and the common approach described through college policy, 学院将依靠校园社区, 支持包括志愿者在内的大学政策的精神和目标. 除非学校政策里特别提到, 学院的董事会受其章程管辖.



赌博正规的十大网站认识到我们的机构是建立在, 并依赖于, 最初由土著/美洲原住民占领的古老部落土地, 主要是尤特人, 夏安族, Arapahoe, 和基奥瓦民族, 以及这片土地上的其他原住民. The college also recognizes that there are many indigenous religious ceremonies and sacred traditions practiced by Indigenous/Native American Peoples, 包括熏烟和烟斗仪式. 熏烟和烟斗仪式可能包含鼠尾草的烟雾, 香草, 雪松, 烟草, 和其他相关的药用植物作为净化和神圣仪式的元素.

赌博正规的十大网站在校园里为土著/美洲原住民学生指定了场地, 教师, 工作人员, 和客人 to practice smudging and/or pipe ceremonies associated with traditional religious ceremonies and observances.  另外, the College recognizes and supports 土著/美洲原住民学生 engaging in these sacred practices within the privacy of their residence hall rooms.


  • 为了保护, 促进, 并为土著/美洲原住民学生提供便利, 教师, 工作人员, 以及游客练习土著/美洲原住民的宗教传统和仪式, 包括熏烟和烟斗仪式, 这样做要符合学校制定的吸烟和防火政策.

Practices related to this policy will assist organizers of smoke-generating Indigenous/Native American religious ceremonies and practices to identify appropriate spaces, 提出了通信, and safety measures to endeavor meaningful and healthy experiences for all members of the campus community.  学生, 教师, 工作人员, 以及非土著/美洲原住民的客人, 但谁希望参加仪式和实践,也产生烟雾, 应该与牧师办公室联系吗.


科罗拉多大学 is committed to facilitating religious ceremonies and sacred traditions for 土著/美洲原住民学生, 教师, 工作人员, 和客人 while acknowledging that some people may have health considerations which could be impacted by ceremonial smoke, 其他人可能会被烟雾打扰. This policy recognizes the College’s priority to provide environments free from recognized health hazards while recognizing and accommodating the integrity of Indigenous/Native American religious ceremonies and sacred traditions. 通常, 与熏烟和/或烟斗仪式有关的烟雾持续时间很短. 然而, 其他人可能会从点燃的鼠尾草中闻到烟味, 香草, 雪松, 烟草, 及其他相关药用植物.

This policy shall supersede in the event of any conflict with policies as outlined in the 科罗拉多大学 Smoke and Tobacco-Free Campus 政策 and 住宅生活 and 住房 政策. All students are expected to abide by policies and procedures as outlined in Student Honor and Community Standards.


土著/美洲原住民学生, 工作人员, 教师, 和客人 who wish to engage in religious ceremonies and sacred traditions of smudging and/or pipe ceremonies in designated spaces must first:



  • Hard copies of the 仪式使用通知表格 are also available at the Chaplain’s Office or the front desk of Mathias, 卢米斯, 或南厅.

The completed 仪式使用通知表格 will be reviewed by the Indigenous/Native American Support Advisory Committee, 其中包括:目前的土著/美洲原住民科罗拉多大学的学生, 赌博正规的十大网站的土著/美洲原住民校友, 土著/美洲土著部落长老, 专门从事土著/美洲原住民支持的顾问, 学院的牧师, 高级副院长, 住宿生活成员 & 校园活动和设施服务部的成员.  The purpose of the review is to notify key members of the campus community so that they can support those 土著/美洲原住民学生, 教师, 工作人员, 和客人 wishing to engage in smudging and/or pipe ceremonies; the Advisory Committee is not an approval body.

填妥的仪式使用通知表格将保存于校园安全处, 住宅生活 & 校园活动和牧师办公室.


土著/美洲原住民学生, 教师, 工作人员, 客人可以在下面的室内练习熏烟和/或烟斗仪式, 户外, 活动空间:

  1. 宿舍房间

科罗拉多大学 employs the following practices regarding smudging and/or pipe ceremonies in residence halls, 土著/美洲原住民学生的做法:

  • 住宅生活 & 校园活动 工作人员 and 校园安全 工作人员 should never interrupt 土著/美洲原住民学生 in the practice of religious ceremonies and sacred traditions;
  • 住宿生活 & 校园活动 工作人员 and 校园安全 工作人员 are unsure about the appropriate us of smoke-related items as a part of an Indigenous/Native American spiritual practice, 然后这些工作人员应该详细记录事件, 注意不要触摸这些物品, 处理, 或者没收.
  1. 办公室及工作空间

土著/美洲原住民学生, 教师, 工作人员, 和客人 may practice smudging and/or pipe ceremonies in an office or work space provided that they:

  • Have a completed 仪式使用通知表格 on file with 校园安全 or 住宅生活 & 校园活动,或牧师办公室;
  • Notify their immediate supervisor; it will then be up to the immediate supervisor to inform others as needed, 强调重要性和神圣意义的, 并且练习/仪式不能被打断.
  1. 批准的教室和会议室


  • 通知与会者/与会者使用sage的意图, 香草, 雪松, 烟草, 及其他相关药用植物 in the space; instructor will discern reasonable notice for their students;
  • 对邻近的教室和其他空间提供合理的通知;
  • 遵守所有应急程序,包括找到最近的灭火器

学生 with physical sensitivities to smoke or scent should be allowed to make alternate arrangements with the instructor regarding course participation.

  1. 室外空间
  • 土著/美洲原住民学生, 教师, 工作人员, 和客人 may practice smudging and/or pipe ceremonies in all 户外 spaces on college property.
  1. 活动场所
  • 土著/美洲原住民学生参加的活动场地, 教师,工作人员, 和客人 wish to practice smudging and/or pipe ceremonies must be evaluated for approval at least three (3) business days in advance of the event by the director of Facilities Services and the director of 校园安全/Emergency Management;
    • The director of Facilities Services and the director of 校园安全/Emergency Management will:
      • Evaluate the fire and ventilation systems in the requested space- If not viable for safety reasons, 将推荐另一个空间;
      • 通知其他相关的支持人员
  1. 其他的考虑
  • Facilities Services and 校园安全/Emergency Management will work with the organizers to ensure fire alarms will not disrupt the smudging and/or pipe ceremony as practiced by 土著/美洲原住民学生, 教师, 工作人员, 和客人.

Any member of the 科罗拉多大学 community who has questions regarding smudging and/or pipe ceremonies should contact a member of the Native/Indigenous Support Advisory Committee.


报告问题 - 最后更新: 03/02/2021